Dear Students,
The Literature Program is taught in two years.
The number of required literary texts is six.
At the end of each year, there is an exam on all of the texts taught that year.
There is one exam for each.
Each exam must include LOTS questions, HOTS questions and a Bridging Text and Context question.
The final grade for the school-based assessment is comprised of:
• The average of the end-of-year exams (80%)
• The average of the grades of the four book tasks (20%)
Key Components of Teaching Literature:
LOTS = Lower-Order Thinking Skills are used in activities of basic understanding of text. They ensure understanding of the basic story line and literal meaning of a text.
HOTS = Higher-Order Thinking Skills are used in activities of Analysis and Interpretation.
Bridging Text and Context activities encourage learners to understand connections between the text, universal themes and relevant information and ideas from other sources. These sources may include the biography and personality of the author, themes and aspects of the historical, social and cultural contexts of the text.

ALL MY SONS / Arthur Miller
A play by Arthur Miller
Based upon a true story, the storyline takes place in 1947 introducing us to the Keller's, the "Holy Family". Who are Joe, Kate and Chris? Are they really holy? What happened to Larry on November 25th?
Part 1:
Part 2:
All My Sons – Bagrut Questions and Answers

Useful Links:
The Movie: